TO: Green County Wisconsin High School Seniors
FROM: Green County Fall Nationals
RE: Scholarship Opportunity

The Green County Fall National Truck and Tractor Pull was organized in 2007. It was organized to be a one-time event but was so successful that we were able to host an annual pull in September. It is a family run event which has approximately 30 + volunteers assisting as well as over 125 local sponsors who financially back the event.  

Proceeds above and beyond what is needed to run the event are given back to the community to benefit families/individuals in need. We have also been able to financially assist numerous community programs that are either in place or needing to be started.

Since GCFN is a community focused organization, it was decided in 2014 to offer a scholarship to a graduating senior who demonstrates extraordinary areas of service to his/her community. While GPA is important, we feel it is also extremely important that young people give back to others without expecting financial reimbursement.

With this mission in mind, GCFN is offering a $500.00 scholarship to be presented to a deserving graduating Green County Wisconsin senior who excels in the area of community service. The student must be accepted in a university/college in order to apply for this scholarship. Money will be collected after the first semester is completed and proof of completion is provided, along with transcripts. The student must contact the organization in order to receive their check.

If you have any questions regarding the application form/process, please contact Jill Klossner at or 608-214-4622.
      About GCFN


***Application must be submitted BEFORE midnight on March 1st! 
***One letter of recommendation emailed to upon submitting application!

Note: Any information received after this date will not be accepted and student will be disqualified from the application process.

Note: This scholarship opportunity is open to all graduating seniors regardless of race, color or creed.
In 500 words or less, explain what community service has meant to you and how you feel your experiences will affect your future endeavors. 
List special honors/awards received in or out of school:
List community service/ Volunteer work:
List out of school activities, clubs, Extra Curricular, Work...:
List high school activities and years you participated:
What are your plans for financing your schooling?
What are your anticipated costs for your first year of college?
Describe your plans to use your education after college?
What is your field of interest / major?
What college(s) do you plan to attend?
Parent Names:
What High School did you attend?
Enter your full address (including city, state and zip code):
Enter your full name:
Check if you have applied.
Check if you are accepted.