Proceeds from the GCFN have been used to help numerous families and individuals over the past several years. One of the biggest contributions made in 2009 was the delivery of 11,200 pounds of food to the new Green County Food Pantry - Green Care in Monticello just two weeks before to Christmas. "Team Red" -- organizers of GCFN -- spent part of a day unloading a trailer full of non-perishable foods. Thanks to the support of the community and the sponsors, we have been able to feed many this cold, winter season. Special thanks to Piggly Wiggly for their support of GCFN's food pantry efforts!
*Gas, meat, Walmart gift card to a young father raising his three children alone.
*Grandparents raising their granddaughter with disabilities - gas, meat and Walmart gift cards.
*Took family of 5 (single mom) to Walmart for a shopping spree to help refurnish their home/closets with things lost in a house fire.
*$1,000 to Green County Crimestoppers
*Gas card to a 47-year-old man just diagnosed with late stage colon cancer. Speich Oil, a sponsor from Brodhead, added to that with a generous donation!
*Grocery card to a young woman in Belleville diagnosed with cancer.
*Provided assistance with monthly living expenses to a family whose little girl is undergoing a lung removal.
*Donated 100 engraved dairy brushes to the Green Count Dairy Days as well as sponsoring two championship classes.

- Gift certificate to Pierce Furniture in Brodhead to help a family who lost their home in a fire
- Gas card to Badger State Ethanol and Pick n Save grocery card to a local man recovering from a work accident
- Gift card to a local man enduring the impact of kidney cancer
- Gas card to a family who will drive to the UW hospital for months to visit their 5-year-old who had his legs amputated after a rare disorder. Gave the boy electronics/games to keep his mind busy while recovering in the hospital.
- Helped a family with a mortgage payment as they deal with large medical bills for their 11-year-old daughter. Sadly, the young girl passed away this summer.
- Provided 35 Thanksgiving dinners to local families
- Donated $7000 toward the start-up of an Autism program for Green County. Our dollars funded the equipment needed to implement a program to locate those who wander away due to the effects of Autism or Alzheimer's
High school students:
Scholarship information here
Check out some of the contributions GCFN has made to individuals and groups in our community!...more than $500,000 and growing!!!!
- Provided medical supplies to a family enduring months of very expensive home care
- Provided gas cards to cancer patients who travel back and forth to Madison hospitals,
- Covered expenses for a family who lost a loved one
- Gave a gas card and meat to a woman who has been in the hospital most of the past 5-6 years -- and gave her 4 children a special treat with gift cards of their own.Provided scholarships to graduates of Green County high schools.
- Helped an employee of a long-time sponsor who is suffering major health issues.
- Donated $5000 to F.A.I.T.H. (Addiction Awareness of Green County) -- an organization dedicated to raising awareness of the effects of drug addiction in Green County.
- Provided gas, meat and heating fuel to a local man with major medical issues.
- Contributed toward the hefty dental bills of a young man severely injured from wood splitter accident.
- Sent a young girl on a very special trip to Chicago to American Girl after losing her mom and grandmother weeks apart.
- Helped a family with health issues where time off work was mandatory. Provided household goods, new dryer and two months rent.
- Helped out local food pantries at Thanksgiving with seven $1,000 donations to each of the pantries in the county.
- Supported a 5-year-old daughter with inoperable brain tumor. Gave her a karaoke machine and provided the family with gas cards, a gift certificate for meat and a stay at The Wilderness in the Dells.
- Purchased a new puppy -- and a full year of vet bills -- for a local family who’s dog was killed by two other dogs.
- Supported a local family going through cancer with dining certificate.
- Helped a woman whose camper flipped and she lost everything, including her prize possession: her sewing machine. We replaced her sewing machine with an updated model, gave her money to replace her material, provided her with new sewing supplies, and replaced her freezer foods with a gift card for meat. We donate our own time to volunteer for the Lions Club.
- $500 to VFW Memorial Park
- Matched young boy's $700 donation to local food pantry
- Monetary donation to mom with failing health from heart disease
- Paid taxes for a Brodhead family whose mom became paralyzed following injury from a fallen tree
- Provided several GCFN staff to do extensive yard work for family where dad of three daughters is terminally ill.Also provided several gifts, salon services and groceries to the family.
- Gave gifts, gas card and groceries to a Brodhead family on Christmas Day where the father is in failing health
•Provided fuel oil for an elderly woman who recently lost her husband
•Provided Christmas dinner for several families whom we discovered had that as their only Christmas wish
•Monroe Lions Club (current vendor for the GCFN) joined forces with us to donate funds to provide for eyeware for a young girl dealing with a degenerative eye disease
•Provided several overnight stays at Great Wolf Lodge for families struggling with medical bills and the challenges of raising children with extraordinary health issues and are unable to find “family time” in the process
•Provided food, food and more food to several families (one family raising 6 foster children, a single parent with six children working hard to provide for her family,
•Gave a “Chicago Bears” Christmas to a home-bound 10-year old boy struggling with cancer
•Helped a single mom with 4 children (two of whom are struggling with eye accident and disease) - a Sony reader that magnifies the font to make reading a bit easier and a Sponge Bob Christmas to the little 4 year old who ran a metal rod through his eye – also a set of pots and pans for mom (the only Christmas wish she had)
•Fixed a broken windshield for grandparents who are currently trying to raise 5 grandchildren – also provided them with a gas card from one of our sponsors
•Provided clothes of necessity, school supplies, household items and a small heater/fireplace for a family of 5 – (Note: the greatest excitement came when the HUGE box of laundry detergent was noticed!!!!!)
•Made two brothers (one in high school and one in middle school) believe in Christmas by making their one and only Christmas wish come true – a surround sound and an iPod Nano – also gift certificates for pizza
•Purchased bed frames, box spring, mattresses and bedding for a single mom and three girls who had been sleeping on plywood woods for over a year
•A stove had been purchased (theirs didn’t work and all the money was going to driving the 9 year old back and forth to Madison for cancer treatment) and was to be delivered along with a gas card and Christmas dinner. Unfortunately, before the delivery could be made, we received word that the little boy had passed away on Christmas Eve.
•Provided money to put toward mortgage assistance to a family who recently lost an 18-month old child at a benefi t on behalf of the family.